lørdag 12. desember 2009


Today I was finally finished with this year's exams, and the last one was in philosophy. It went relatively well, with regard to the fact that it was based on a half year study, and that noone has trained me in how to write a stylish philosophical text. I think that philosophy can be very interesting, but not all the philosophy we were supposed to learn are. In my wisdom book I have some philosophy, but mainly philosophers who lived about 700 b.c to about 200 b.c in the areas where Turkey, Greece and Italy lies today, and not so much the philosophers born after 200 b.c.

The idea to write a wisdom book, came from multiple sources: one from reading "meditations" from Marcus Aurelius, but most because of reading philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard relating to existentialism. I wrote the second wisdom book because my handwriting in my first was too ugly, and everything written in it was more like notes. The third wisdom book was inspired a little by Rene Descartes (1, 2). To summarize the key thing in what I had learned: If one wants to accomplish something, it better be solid and correct from the start. For the third wisdom book, I read about what type of paper that last the longest. I had to think whether I would go for archival paper or cotton paper, but decided to go for archival. The cover was made of leather. My first words written in it was dated 18th of August 2009.

Today I came to think about the greek philosophers. To me it seems like these people have thought of most things. A question appears to me: Did the greek philosophers ever philosophize about what is wasted to know? Maybe that is a question for my wisdom book?

(Ps: I will correct bad english, if my blog becomes more popular)

2 kommentarer:

  1. you shoukd remember to not use a pencil, because it will not last as long as a pen i think.... will you be able to see what the pencil wrote 500 years from now, or is it better to use a pen? hard to say?

  2. I only use pencil when I write something I am not 100% sure will be permanent.


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